Polyphonica: Il Mondo in Commedia Maggiore e Minore Manual |
yTable of Contentsz Basics Mouse/Keyboard Commands Title Menu In-Game Menu Commands Right-Click Menu Commands |
Basics |
yFullscreen/Windowed Mode Togglez @Pressing Alt-Enter will toggle you between Fullscreen and Windowed modes. @You may also access this functionality from the Right-Click Menu. yQuittingz @Select the "Quit" option from the Right-Click Menu. yAuto Modez @If you press the "Auto" button in the In-Game Menu, or select it from the Right-Click Menu, the sentences will progress without your having to explicitly left-click to advance them. @You can exit Auto Mode by left-clicking at any time; you can adjust the speed of text playback in Auto Mode by accessing the Auto Mode Options in the Right-Click Menu. ySkip Modez @Hold down the Ctrl key to fast-forward through text. ySavingz @When you select "Save" from the Right-Click Menu, you will be taken to a Save Dialog. @You may load your savedata by selecting "Load" from the Right-Click Menu, or "Dal Signo" from the Title Menu. yLoadingz @As indicated above, you may load your savedata by selecting "Load" from the Right-Click Menu, or "Dal Signo" from the Title Menu. @ |
Mouse/Keyboard Commands |
@These commands are essentially self-explanatory. yMouse Commandsz @Left-clicking advances sentences or confirms choices. @Right-clicking opens the Right-Click Menu. yKeyboard Commandsz @Cursor Key: Hides/displays mouse cursor. @Enter Key: Advances sentences or confirms choices. @Esc Key: Opens the Right-Click Menu. @Ctrl Key: Enters Skip Mode. @Space Key: Hides/displays the text window. @PageUp Key: Scrolls upward through the text log. @PageDown Key: Scrolls downward through the text log. @Alt-Enter: Toggles between Fullscreen and Windowed modes. |
Title Menu |
@The Title Menu is the first thing you see when you first start this piece. yOverturaz @Start from the Prologue. @This option is not available in the Trial Edition. yDa Capoz @Start from the beginning of the work proper. yDal Signoz @Load savedata. @This option does not appear if there is no savedata. yCG Modez @Allows you to see the pictures that you have unlocked in the course of playing. @This option is not available in the Trial Edition. yBGM Modez @Allows you to hear the background music that you have unlocked in the course of playing. @This option is not available in the Trial Edition. yAl Finez @Quit the program entirely. yWrite a Reviewz @Takes you to a website where you may write a review of this piece. @This option is not available in the Trial Edition, and is not available in the Retail Edition until you have played through this piece at least once. @ |
In-Game Menu |
@There is a set of buttons located on the lower-right of the play screen -- this is the In-Game Menu. yCLOSEz @Hides the text window. You can press the spacebar to display it again. yBACKz @Scrolls back through the text log. @The text that you have already read will be displayed in a different color as you scroll. @A left-click will return you to your current position in the text. yFWDz @Scrolls forward through the text log. @This command will not function when you reach your current position in the text. yAUTOz @Toggles Auto Mode on and off. @This button will be lit up when you have Auto Mode engaged. |
Right-Click Menu |
@Right-clicking anywhere in the play window will give you access to this menu. yEnable Auto Modez @Toggles Auto Mode on and off. ySavez @Takes you to the Save Dialog. yLoadz @Takes you to the Load Dialog. This option is unavailable if you have no savedata at all. yScreen Modez @You can toggle between Fullscreen and Windowed modes here. yVolumez @Gives you access to sound volume control. yWindow Backgroundz @Gives you access to options that change the color and the translucency of the text window. yFont Optionsz @Allows you to change the font with which the text is being displayed. yText Speedz @Allows you to change how fast the text scrolls. yAuto Mode Optionsz @Allows you to change the delay per-character in Auto Mode. yOther Optionsz @These are mainly for the sake of optimizing performance or troubleshooting. @You should not have to change these. yManualz @Presumably, you clicked on this button; otherwise, how would you be reading this document? yBack to Title Menuz @Returns you to the Title Menu. yQuitz @Quit Polyphonica: Il Mondo in Commedia Maggiore e Minore. yCancelz @Escapes out of the Right-Click Menu. |