Table of Contents

1. Basics
1.1 What is planetarian, anyway?
1.2 Is this a dating sim?
1.3 Is this an 18+ game?
1.4 What is a Kinetic Novel?
1.5 Who or what is Key?
1.5.1 Who is Yuuichi Suzumoto?
1.5.2 Who is E-ji "CO2A" Komatsu?
1.5.3 What is RealLive?

2. Mechanics
2.1 System requirements
2.1.1 Japanese support
2.2 How to install
2.3 Play mechanics
2.4 How long is this, anyway?
2.5 How to uninstall

3. English localization
3.1 Is this an official translation?
3.2 Are you making any money off of this?
3.3 Why are you doing this, then?
3.4 Will you translate game X or anime Y?

4. Mini-glossary
4.1 APCs
4.2 Carl Zeiss - Jena GmbH
4.3 Flechette guns
4.4 Hedgehogs
4.5 The Final Massacre
4.6 The Great War
4.7 Menschenjagers
4.8 MREs
4.9 PDWs
4.10 The Rain
4.11 Space Colonization Program
4.12 Warmongers

5. Additional resources
5.1 Haeleth
5.1.1 Haeleth forums
5.2.1 forums
5.3 Megatokyo dating sims and visual novels forum
5.3.1 Megatokyo dating sims and visual novels forum FAQ

1. Basics

1.1 What is planetarian, anyway?

1.2 Is this a dating sim?

1.3 Is this an 18+ game?

1.4 What is a Kinetic Novel?

1.5 Who or what is Key?

1.5.1 Who is Yuuchi Suzumoto?

1.5.2 Who is E-ji "CO2A" Komatsu?

1.5.3 What is RealLive?

2. Mechanics

2.1 System requirements

2.1.1 Japanese support

2.2 How to install

2.3 Play mechanics

2.4 How long is this, anyway?

2.5 How do I uninstall?

3. English localization

3.1 Is this an official translation?

3.2 Are you making any money off of this?

3.3 Why are you doing this, then?

3.4 Will you translate game X or anime Y?

4. Mini-glossary

4.1 APCs

4.2 Carl Zeiss - Jena GmbH

4.3 Flechette guns

4.4 Hedgehogs

4.5 The Final Massacre

4.6 The Great War

4.7 Menschenjagers

4.8 MREs

4.9 PDWs

4.10 The Rain

4.11 Space Colonization Program

4.12 Warmongers

5. Additional resources

5.1 Haeleth

5.1.1 Haeleth forums


5.2.1 forums

5.3 Megatokyo dating sims and visual novels forum

5.3.1 Megatokyo dating sims and visual novels forum FAQ

insani 2004